Complications for Clean Energy Storage and Transportation Created by Hydrogen Embrittlement
Cancer Cells Turned Into Logic Gates To Unravel the Secret of Their Movement
Slithering Snakes on a 2D Plane – Search and Rescue Robots Inspired by Snakes [Video]
New Army Multi-Polymer Filament Tech Turns Low-Cost 3D Printers Into High-Tech Producers
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這幾天,雲米的冰箱給我帶來了不少的 “ 歡樂 ”。事情是這樣的,有個哥們買了個雲米的冰箱,本來買了新的家電挺高興的,擺在家裡放着,結果回頭一看,居然在屏幕上看到了廣告。,,這人就覺得這麼搞實在尷尬,你說我看個電視,你給我弄廣告還行,這冰箱屏幕上,你也給我推廣告,那我買的是個啥啊?是個廣告牌嗎?,然後他去...
圍繞鋰原料企業Millennial的競購戰,以寧德時代“截和”告終。9月29日,寧德時代相關負責人對北京商報記者表示,公司已與加拿大鋰業公司Millennial Lithium Corp(以下簡稱“Millennial”)簽訂收購協議。,此前,贛鋒鋰業宣布,擬收購Millennial。在Millennial爭奪戰的背後,是多家企業面臨的鋰原料儲量低、開採難度大導致的價格...
10-01【投融快訊 9月29日】奧動電吧是一家新能源汽車換電服務提供商,致力於電動汽車換電服務、電池全生命周期管理及換電站商業化運營。用戶可以通過APP自主查詢附近的汽車換電站,3分鐘內即可成功換電,無需自建充電樁,從而延長汽車使用壽命。近日完成B輪戰略...
09-05A casting of a nest made by a species of ant found in Florida next to an adult man for scale. Credit: Charles F. Badland Picture an anthill. What do you see? A small mound of sand and crumbly dirt poking up through the lawn? A tiny hol...
09-05Engineers at MIT, Caltech, and ETH Zürich find “nanoarchitected” materials designed from precisely patterned nanoscale structures (pictured) may be a promising route to lightweight armor, protective coatings, blast shields, and other i...
09-04In a proof of concept, researchers created more than a dozen reconfigurable building blocks. Each block consisted of eight connected paper cubes and could be reconfigured into eight different shapes. These blocks serve as basic units f...
09-04New study on water jets impacting liquid droplets resembles Harold “Doc” Edgerton’s high-speed photos of a bullet fired through an apple. Analysis could help tune needle-free injection systems. Credit: Courtesy of researchers, and Tiny...