,“We had expected an effect based on size,” Owens says. “If there was more cream between layers, it should be easier to deform. But that’s not actually the case.”,In all, the team went through about 20 boxes of Oreos, including regular, Double Stuf, and Mega Stuf levels of filling, and regular, dark chocolate, ...
The researchers already have some ideas for how to design an experiment based on their hypothesis. They plan to build a laboratory-sized particle accelerator capable of accelerating an electron to close to the speed of light, which they would then stimulate using a laser beam at microwave wavelengths. They are ...
Yu directed the project. Guo and Guan co-led experimental efforts on synthesis, characterization of the samples, and device demonstration. Other team members are Chuxin Lei, Hengyi Lu, and Wen Shi.,The research was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (
DARPA), an...
This research is supported, in part, by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and by the U.S. Office of Naval Research.,Reference: “Nonlinear wave evolution with data-driven breaking” by D. Eeltink, H. Branger, C. Luneau, Y. He, A. Chab...
“What they learn in the downstream systems, I take advantage of at the injector,” Dian says. “They transferred what they learned in my section to the other team leads, and the other leads were able to improve their sections because of th...
Funding: This work was supported by NIH award R01-NS093585 to MJZH. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.,Reference: “Constraints on the deformation ...
“After that, we will continue exploring more experimental configurations to determine in more detail the criteria with which an oblique detonation wave can be stabilized,” Rosato says.,Rosato says the next steps for the research are the ...
These findings were published in
ACS Nano. The article’s lead author was Ranit Mukherjee, a graduate student in Boreyko’s lab.,“If we can amplify this electrostatic de-icing effect, such that entire sheets of ice or frost are insta...
Briggs said, “I hope this new approach, and the work it could enable for others, can have a broad reach and impact beyond Sandia’s national security mission, touching people’s everyday lives more visibly in their day-to-day activities.”,...
“As the technology became more universal, our ambitions matched that, and the scope of our problem set went from ALS to the problem that first Bose wanted to tackle, which is consumer electronic audio control, to now we have customers in...