Physics-Based Engineering and the Machine-Learning “Black Box” Problem
Inspired by Cheetah Biomechanics, Researchers Build World-Record Fast Soft Robots
New MIT Syringe Technology Could Enable Injection of Concentrated Biologic Drugs
“Colloidal Gels,” Ubiquitous in Everyday Products, Divulge Their Secrets of Evolution
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Simple RC network model of ventilator system and patient, with linear resistance (Rv) and compliance (Cv) for the ventilator tubing system, and linear resistance (R) and compliance (C) for the patient. Credit: University of Bath Open-source model is shared to help medics around the world case of ventilator sh...
MIT researchers have built a battery-free pinpointing system dubbed Underwater Backscatter Localization (UBL). This photo shows the battery-free sensor encapsulated in a polymer before it is dipped into the Charles river. Credit: Reza Ghaffarivardavagh New approach could spark an era of battery-free ocean ex...
Simple Software Creates Complex Wooden Joints That Interlock With No Nails, Glue, or Tools Needed
Complex interlocking components mean no tools are needed. Credit: © Larsson et al. An interactive system to design and fabricate structurally sound wood joints. Wood is considered an attractive construction material for both aesthetic and environmental purposes. Construction of useful wood objects requires co...-
Lily the barn owl demonstrates wing-morphing to cope with gusts in flight. Credit: Cheney et al 2020 Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Royal Veterinary College have discovered how birds are able to fly in gusty conditions — findings that could inform the development of bio-inspired small-scale...
08-05Cephalopods’ exceptional ability to hide into any background has inspired researchers to replicate their fascinating ability to camouflage in the infrared (IR) and visible spectrum. Recent advances offered a number of physical mechanis...
08-05High-speed video imaging reveals the two main components of a sneeze in colorful detail: a shower of larger droplets (shown in green) and a cloud made of a mixture of smaller droplets suspended in moist, warm gas (shown in red). Credit...
08-05Recent graduate Showvik Haque (left) joked that Spencer Lab, home of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UD, is his “home.” He and fellow mechanical engineering major Allysa Tuano, a senior, have been best friends since sixth grad...
08-042D arrangement of 44,400 light stopwatches enables scan-less fluorescence lifetime imaging. Credit: Tokushima University Comb of a Lifetime: A New Method for Fluorescence Microscopy Fluorescence microscopy is widely used in biochemistr...
08-04Oak Ridge National Laboratory is designing a neutronic research engine to evaluate new materials and designs for advanced vehicles using the facilities at the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL. Credit: Jill Hemman/ORNL, U.S. Dept of En...
08-04The researchers have developed an origami-inspired, folded plastic fuel bladder that doesn’t crack at super cold temperatures and could someday be used to store and pump fuel. Credit: WSU Washington State University researchers have us...