Hydrogel Enables Ingestible Medical Devices That Can Be Broken Down With Light
Coral USB Accelerator, TensorFlow Lite C++ API & Raspberry Pi for Edge TPU object detection
New Army Multi-Polymer Filament Tech Turns Low-Cost 3D Printers Into High-Tech Producers
New Propulsion System Could Enable Flying at Speeds Up to Mach 17
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#include <iostream> #include “serial_debug.h” using namespace std; int debug_wait() { #if DEBUG cout << “press any key to contine” << endl; getchar(); #endif return 0; } bool creat_serial(HANDLE &hComm,string strPort) { hComm = CreateFile(strPort.c_str(), GENERIC_RE...
In this article, we will introduce a fully functional smart solar tower mockup. The mockup is based on a new concept to track the Sun and the receiver called Heliot, a smart heliostat approach. This approach is based on computer vision and deep learning for object detection using Tensorflow as machine learning ...
Would you like to use a great multi-platform toolkit to develop apps for mobile, web, desktop, and even embedded devices (Raspberry Pi) with a single codebase?,Then, do not miss this post which talks about Flutter on Raspberry Pi, the great open-source Google’ User Interface (UI) toolkit for building native app...
This short post is a cheat sheet than you can use to check the ESP8266 NodeMCU pinout (V2 and V3 ESP8266 NodeMCU boards) for your Arduino IDE programs.,For practical purposes ESP8266 NodeMCU V2 and V3 boards present identical pinouts. For our mechatronics projects we are mainly interested in the following pins:...
04-26sudo raspi-config,Qt 5.12 is a long-term support (LTS) release of the popular Qt framework. If you are not familiar with it, Qt is a rich framework with plenty of ready-to-use multi-platform components for diverse areas such as multimedi...
04-10Subel said the findings have important implications for scientific deep learning, and even suggest that some things scientists have learned from studying machine learning in other contexts, like classification of static images, may not a...
Tiny Yet Hazardous: Aerosols Produced by Contaminated Bubble Bursting Are Far Smaller Than Predicted
Reference: “Enhanced singular jet formation in oil-coated bubble bursting” by Zhengyu Yang, Bingqiang Ji, Jesse T. Ault and Jie Feng, 23 February 2023, Nature Physics. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-01958-z,“These droplets can transport pathoge...-
03-14The researchers now hope to work with collaborators to develop manufacturing processes for the system and further characterize its performance in animals, in hopes of eventually testing it in human clinical trials.,This kind of monitorin...
03-09Reference: “Lunar dust removal and material degradation from liquid nitrogen sprays” by I. Wells, J. Bussey, N. Swets and J. Leachman, 10 February 2023, Acta Astronautica. DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.02.016,The researchers are now work...
03-01The work was supported by ARPA-E.,Reference: “Asymmetric chloride-mediated electrochemical process for CO 2 removal from oceanwater” by Seoni Kim, Michael Nitzsche, Simon B Rufer, Jack R. Lake, Kripa Kiran Varanasi and T. Alan Hatton, 13...