Reference: “Dynamic measurement of gravitational coupling between resonating beams in the hertz regime” by Tobias Brack, Bernhard Zybach, Fadoua Balabdaoui, Stephan Kaufmann, Francesco Palmegiano, Jean-Claude Tomasina, Stefan Blunier, Donat Scheiwiller, Jonas Fankhauser, and Jürg Dual, 11 July 2022,
Nature Phys...
“As the technology became more universal, our ambitions matched that, and the scope of our problem set went from ALS to the problem that first Bose wanted to tackle, which is consumer electronic audio control, to now we have customers in robotics, IoT [the internet of things], and augmented reality,” Ang says.,...
The team also included Yang Zhong, Arny Leroy, and Lin Zhao at MIT, and Zhenyuan Xu at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. The work was supported by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, the U.S.-Egypt Science and Technology Joint Fund, and used facilities supported by the National Science...
Righthand Robotics combines machine vision with an intelligent gripper design to offer robots that are more adaptable. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers
MIT alumnus-founded RightHand Robotics has developed picking robots that are mor...
A personal, handheld device emitting high-intensity ultraviolet light to disinfect areas by killing the novel coronavirus is now feasible, according to researchers at Penn State, the University of Minnesota, and two Japanese universitie...
Flexible walls, here in blue, a few hundred microns high emulate the surface of a gecko’s foot to make the same kind of adhesive force – but much, much stronger than that of the animal’s paw. Credit: Georgia Tech / Varenberg lab
Why di...
A prototype of the new two-stage water harvesting system (center right), was tested on an MIT rooftop. The device, which was connected to a laptop for data collection and was mounted at an angle to face the sun, has a black solar colle...
Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant. In the (Western) year 1054, Chinese astronomers recorded the supernova that blasted the nebula into existence. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. DePasquale (STScI), and R. Hurt (Caltech/IPAC)
Nestled in the cons...
A new dynamically-controlled base for 3-D printing (left) will reduce the need for printed supports (center), cutting wastage and saving time. Credit: Yong Chen
3-D printing has the potential to revolutionize product design and manufac...
许多电子元件对静电放电(ESD)非常敏感。静电荷是静止时不平衡的电荷。当绝缘体表面相互摩擦或分开时,蓝冠 就会产生静电放电。一个表面获得电子,而另一个表面失去电子。这些动作导致不平衡的...